
May 18, 2010

How to tell if a girl is NOT interested in you

This is not a very tough question. It can be a tough question too, depending on the girl. Everyone has a different character, thus it’s impossible to know if the girl is interested in you by just following the points below.

If she’s not interested in you…

* She NEVER initiates contact with you, be it on MSN or sms.
* She is uncomfortable with light touching for eg. playful punching or nudging.
* She cancels dates with you without proposing a make-up date.
* She does not even agree to go out with you and does not suggest alternative timings.
* She pours out all her emotional baggage to you. (When not together yet.)
* She takes a long time to reply your sms or may not even reply.
* She playfully call you her brother.
* She talks about other guys to you.
* She is indifferent towards you.
* No matter how hard u try to impress her, she just ignore u.
* She never want to look at your eyes, or stay any minute with u and would find uncomfortable with u around.
* She will not engage in open communication with you
* She makes up stories for not wanting to meet you
* She keeps things about herself from you.
* She is self absorbed and preoccupied with her own life which does not include you.
* She rarely initiates a call or sms to you.
* When you ask her out for a date, she’ll ask, “who’s going?”
* You buy expensive gifts for the girl, she thanks you very politely and tells you not to spend so much money on her or that there is no need to even buy her a birthday gift.
* If you invite her to concert or expensive dinners, she tells you that she is not free almost immediately.

That’s almost all, but this doesn’t apply to all girls. You must know that some girls are generally too shy to express their love for you.

Guys, although it’s the 21st century, I feel it’s only right for the guy to take initiative.

Whats your opinion? anyway i give up already with girls...maybe next time..


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