
April 27, 2010

Funny exam answers

I was marking my students biology papers and a lot of things caught my attention.

What is the advantage of rod cells (cells in eyes that can detect black and white) in dogs?
My student answered so that the dog can see ghosts at night time

What is the condition of ovum being fertilised by a lot of sperms?
Instead of polyspermy, the student answered sperm jam.

Where do you get the further information regarding ethical value of human cell cloning?
I will look the answers by asking someone that knows about religion and if it possible i will try to seek my answers from the God.

What is the limitation of using quadrat sampling for determining population size of snails?
The area that should be selected must be free from trucks and lorry because the area and the snail will get damaged. If the drivers are going to stop everytime they pass by the snails, it will be years then to finish up the sampling.

The statement by nancy is wrong. Why did you come into this conclusion?
Because she is a woman

Why there is formation of different species happens when there is speciation?
because god made it that way.

These are all those funny answers that i can remember-mamalado


Vj said...

i kno who is the guy.....hillarious

Angeline said...

oh my! what a riot. brightened my day

mamalado said...

haha everyone knows.....the one and only student capable to be this creative...

TJ said...

where's my post? :P

Anonymous said...

can i noe who is da person ah???

mamalado said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mamalado said...

no i can't reveal the name here...

Anonymous said...

anyway i wish i could meet da person....hmm....intresting person

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