Recently, we came across the news about the government is planning to impose curfew for teenagers during night hours. For me, it is really a good idea even though it violates the human rights and receiving cold acceptance by some teenagers and irresponsible parents. How the parents know that the teenagers are not involving in bad activities even though they letting the parents know where they are during night hours?
What are we talking about human rights if the teenagers are not doing the right thing by going out at night where they are supposed to be home studying or relaxing at home? Tell me what is out there that is good for teenagers to be out up to 2 am? there are a lot of ways that they can wrongly indulge themselves into. clubbing, watching midnight shows and hanging out with friends are going to spoil them academically and socially.
I personally think that curfew should be made compulsory for all teenagers up to 18 years old from 9pm onwards.government should make it compulsory for the club owners and movie theaters not to allow this people to enter their premises at night.
No midnight shows anymore and less friends gathering in mamak stall will definitely help to curb the social problems among teenagers. gopi
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