To make a relationship is very tough. It is not easy to get a partner you like and who likes you. Lot many factors are involved in a relationship. It is therefore important that a relationship is saved at every cost. Not only should the relationship be saved but also it should flourish. It should give pleasure to both the partners and give them a happy life. Here are some easy tips to have a healthy relationship.
1. Love
Love is the first need. We are not talking of infatuation but mature love. Love and care for each other nourishes life. Only when you love and care for your partner you will make efforts to go to extra mile to make the relationship work. Similarly if your partner shows no love for you, you will feel that the relationship gives you nothing. Love is most important.
2. Boundaries
A good relationship means that both the partners know about the boundaries of it. You may not want your partner to bother you about your work. Your partner should know when you feel bad. Similarly you should know about the boundaries you are not supposed to cross. Draw a list of dos and do not cross them.
3. Habits And Values
Partners in a healthy relationship have many common habits and values. Life goals, values, beliefs and, emotional drivers are common in a healthy relationship. If you are going to argue about every decision, because your goals and values are different, the relationship will suffer. Similarly, if what drives your emotions leaves your partner unaffected, you both will never satisfy each other emotionally. That will again make it an unhealthy relationship. If a sight of a beautiful waterfall moves you and your partner tells you that there is nothing great about that and that you should move on, you would surely hate yourself or your partner.
4. Kids
Only kidding....this can make or break a relationship so think carefully before going down this route!
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